Saturday, June 16, 2007

organic soap

I know how much my lady blogger friends enjoy new product suggestions so here is my big shout-out to the organic soap from the Ballard Market. I love the smell of lavender and my favorite is the purple lavender soap and Damn this stuff smells good. When I want to RUFF things up a bit, I go for the oatmeal soap. The chunks of oatmeal are soothing and give a mini-massage effect in the shower. I also kind of like the fact that the soap isn't packaged at all and I just plop it into my shopping basket completely nude with the rest of my food. However I am careful not to put the soap next to any fresh fruits or veggies for fear that the soap will somehow contaminate the other food. I also picked up this lavender, foaming soap which is pretty good but you have to really pump the handle several times to get a good amount of foam and I don't suggest that you use it with the other lavender soap because that's just a bit too much lavender, even for me.

1 comment:

Kittykat said...

I like that soap from the Ballard Market, too! The olive oil one they have is also nice. And I recognize that dish - good idea! I never thought to use it as a soap dish.