Monday, June 18, 2007

memories of the solstice parade

This past weekend was Seattle's annual hippie fair which is better known as the Solstice Parade. It's been several years since I've been, so my stoner buddy Andy G and I made the trek to Fremont in search of nude, painted hippie-chicks. We drove around for a good twenty minutes looking for parking and finally found a spot about 15 blocks from downtown Fremont. It was really overcast but the rain seemed far off so we made the long walk downhill to the parade route.

When we finally arrived, the parade was already well underway and it was really difficult to get a good vantage point. After about half an hour of people watching, we decided we had seen enough and we began the very long walk back up Fremont Ave. Luckily we happened upon the Buckaroo Tavern and stopped for a couple of beers and we had a great view from inside the bar of people exiting the parade.

My friend Elisa forwarded me this pic of this middle-aged, nudist freak from the parade. My favorite part is the guy's black loafers and brown socks. I'll bet this guy is an accountant by day and you know that he looks forward to the parade every year so that he can show off his bony ass to the world. I really like the look of laughter and horror from the women in the crowd.

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