Sunday, February 18, 2007

If it's broke, just give it a whack

I'm so very happy that my digital camera is working again! It's been down since Christmas and I've been bummed and a bit jealous that I couldn't add any original pics to my posts. For some reason the lens wouldn't retract and I couldn't take any pics and Cannon told me that I could send it back with $100 and wait several weeks for a repair or I could upgrade for $150 and get a refurb of a newer model. Geez, I spent 400 smackers on this thing 2 years ago and I really didn't want to have to fork over any more cash. Today, I gave the lens a slight whack on a hard service and that did the trick! The lens is working and we're fully operational again. However I do feel kinda dumb for not trying this seemingly obvious solution earlier, but I'm not complaining.

My first order of business was to take a bunch of pics of the hundreds of peanut shells that are strewn all over my apartment bld to feed the local squirrel population. My downstairs neighbor is a semi-retired gent and a bit of a recluse and not at all friendly. Every time I see him outside, I always say hello but he never gives me the courtesy of a response.

I should also note that this is the same guy that sleeps with his bedroom window wide open in the middle of the winter. I believe this is because he also owns several indoor/outdoor cats. When I come home late at night, I can look directly down from my front door to see him in bed snoozing away. He always looks peaceful but it feels creepy to me that I can see this geezer in bed.

Every once in a while I can hear him raking the peanuts shells very early in the morning. He doesn't actually throw away the old shells, NO, he just makes some half-assed attempt at dispersing them slightly in the same 6' X 6' area of dirt. Maybe he's dreaming that all the shells will one day decompose.

Here's a link to the original post that tells the tale of the unwelcome peanuts along with some action photos.
Critter Food

1 comment:

Kittykat said...

Glad your camera is functioning again!

You weren't kidding about the volume of peanut shells!