Saturday, February 24, 2007

pillow talk

I'm not much of a decorator even though I've watched hundreds of hours of that damn HGTV. I seem to get a real perverse thrill watching other people slave over home improvement projects as I lounge on my couch on Saturday morning. I like modern design and clean lines and I'm a big fan of mid-century, lounge furniture. The look that I am trying to cultivate in my living room would be that of a Cocktail Lounge/Den of Depravity I seem to lean toward vinyl furniture which is perfect for cleaning up dinner time spills but it's not the most comfortable fabric to lounge on. In an attempt to soften the look, I found these two great, retro inspired pillows from West Elm and I just couldn't pass them up. The best part is they were 60% OFF and I sure do love a bargain. West Elm has some really good furniture at fairly reasonable prices and maybe someday, Seattle will get it's own store. My next big challenge is to fill up the stark white walls with some art and photos and then maybe I'll have a long overdue apartment warming party.


Kittykat said...

Those pillows are AWESOME!

You should definitely have a housewarming party! :-)

Unknown said...

i can't believe you still have the same furniture!!!!!

and the pillows are very nice.

Unknown said...

gerry do you have any further fun home decorating websites? i'm moving into a new place this weekend and need some new ideas!