Friday, July 6, 2007

hair snizzle

It's been about 3 months since I chopped my hair and Summer is upon us and I always feel so Fresh n Clean after a haircut so I decided to try out Ballard's very own BabaLouise. It's perfectly located on 65th NW and very near to a coupla bars that I have logged way too much time in. The place was very mellow and has a super cool Tikki theme that I totally dug. My stylist Donna gave me a great High n Tight or Para-Military look that I really like and at a very reasonable price of $23. I left feeling refreshed and ready for a post work week cocktail.

Oh and NO I didn't dye my hair with some freakish orange tint. I wanted to emphasize the textures in my hair and the blinds behind me are representative of beams of light showing off my new cut. This also reminds me of a bad Christian sunset pic. (note to self-maybe you shouldn't have smoked so much of that herb tonight)

I'm a big fan of "product" and I've been using it in my hair since I got my first brush-cut way back in the mid 80's. Back then I bought some really nasty, thick shit and I thought that I was really post-punk rock even though I grew up in the Chicago suburbs. I also went through a phase of using alcohol soaked Gels that left my hair limp and dry and that ain't coo.'

Well product has come a long way since then and I have graduated to the good stuff now. Crew makes a really good line of hair stuff and I really like the forming cream which is not too thick like a pomade but gives you a great deal of hold. It gives the look that I love so much which is: I just got outtta bed but I'm pretending to be a Metro-Sexual.

1 comment:

Kittykat said...

Great cut! I like American Crew products, too - they make the D:fi stuff that Aaron and I use.