Saturday, January 27, 2007

Will Ferrell Skewers Bush

I'm a huge fan of old skool SNL such as John Belushi, Dan Ackroyd, Gilda Radner and even Chevy Chase. They are the classic Saturday Night Live, "Not Ready for Prime-time Players." Let's face it that most of the other seasons over the years really sucked ass. Sure, they had some shining stars such as Chris Farley but I pretty much wrote the show off in the mid 80's when brat-packer, Anthony Michael Hall joined the cast. However, one of my favorite, SNL alums is Will Ferrell. I loved him in Zoolander and Old School. Here's a clip of Will doing Dubya's take on Global Warming from his ranch in Texas. It's quite brilliant!

1 comment:

Kittykat said...

He's one of my SNL alum faves, too! I love the scene in Old School where he gets hit with a horse tranquilizer and falls in the pool. Classic. It's making me laugh just thinking about it...heh heh.